
A pollutant or novel entity is a substance or energy introduced into the environment that has undesired effects, or adversely affects the usefulness of a resource.

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Selective combustion provides energy-efficient alternative to remove pollutants from industrial processes

Micro-nano plastics make other pollutants more dangerous to plants and intestinal cells

Smart Nanotech Sponge Absorbs Pollutants and Recovers Valuable Resources

New AI technology helps scientists detect which pollutants in England's lakes are most harmful to life, and identify species which are at highest risk

Air pollution and brain damage: Epidemiological studies have linked dirty air to dementia and other brain disorders. Now researchers are trying to determine how pollutants do their damage, and how much harm they cause.

Aerosol pollutants from cooking may last longer in the atmosphere

Salmon carry nutrients—and pollutants—upriver when they spawn

Impact of pollutants on pollinators, and how neural circuits adapt to temperature changes - EurekAlert

Self-powered pump harnesses light and chemistry to target, capture pollutants - EurekAlert

‘Self-Cleaning’ Paint Could Break Down Pollutants on Surfaces and from the Air

Novel Au-BiFeO3 nanostructures for efficient and sustainable degradation of pollutants - EurekAlert

New research shows how pollutants from aerosols and river run-off are changing the marine phosphorus cycle in coastal seas

A Tale of Three Pollutants

Decontamination method zaps pollutants from soil

Farm-Raised Fish May Not Be Free of Mercury and Other Pollutants: Aquaculture fish, usually fed a controlled diet, are generally less exposed to mercury than their wild, free-foraging cousins. But because they are raised in the ocean they can still absorb mercury, PCBs and dioxins

Portable 3D-printed sensor detects low concentrations of water pollutants

How Harmful Are Gas Stove Pollutants, Really?

Porous crystals made from plant extracts purify water from pharmaceutical pollutants

Long-Banned Pollutants Are Even in The Deepest Place on Earth, Study Reveals

Biden Administration to Curb Toxic Pollutants From Chemical Plants