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From Polarization to Brain Rot to Brat, 2024's Words of the Year Reflect Online Power and Peril

Designing a spiral ladder-inspired tool that allows precision control of light direction and polarization - EurekAlert

Verified users on social media networks drive polarization and the formation of echo chambers - EurekAlert

Dielectric metamaterials with effective self-duality and full-polarization omnidirectional brewster effect - EurekAlert

「 Polarization-sensitive OCTを用い、生体眼内で眼球の最外層に位置する強膜の線維構造を広範囲に詳細に可視化 ... - EurekAlert

Researchers use liquid crystals to control polarization inside laser-written waveguides

Vectorial Adaptive Optics: A New Horizon in Phase and Polarization Correction

Polarization or Paradox? MIT Study Unveils the True Tendencies of American News Consumption

Mastering Light: Enhancing Image Quality With Broadband Achromatic and Polarization-Insensitive Metalenses

Study finds that anonymous online conversations between Democrats and Republicans can actually reduce political polarization. This depolarization effect was strongest for the conversations that scored highest on civility.