Polar Regions

The polar regions, also called the frigid zones or polar zones, of Earth are the regions of the planet that surround its geographical poles, lying within the polar circles. These high latitudes are dominated by floating sea ice covering much of the Arctic Ocean in the north, and by the Antarctic ice sheet on the continent of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the south.

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N.S.F. Cuts Raise Fears of a Reduced U.S. Presence in Polar Regions

Scientists Uncover Hidden Forces of Biodiversity in Earth’s Polar Regions

Fram2 will become the first human spaceflight mission to fly over and explore the Earth’s polar regions from orbit - SpaceX

One of the largest magnetic storms in history quantified: Aurorae covered much of the night sky from the Tropics to the Polar Regions

High-res maps of entire polar regions provide new clues for climate researchers

Species in polar regions hard hit by climate change

TESS Finds High-Speed Jets, Vortex-Dominated Polar Regions on Nearby Brown Dwarf

Whales Are Finally Returning to Our Planet's Polar Regions After 40 Years