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Paris Mayor Defies Poop Threats to Swim in Seine, and Prove a Point

At what point does driving an electric vehicle get you a carbon emissions payoff? These calculators offer a guide.

In experiments in mice, the most anxious individuals sought out stimulation of certain neurons that both induce extreme hunger and quiet anxiety. The findings suggest a biological basis for restricting food to the point of starvation, seeking anorexia-like behaviors to relieve stress.

Why criticisms of the proposed Anthropocene epoch miss the point

Researchers 3D print key components for a point-of-care mass spectrometer

African 'fairy circles' point to a so-called 'swarm intelligence' in plants

An asteroid will hit Earth at some point. What can we do about it?

Point of No Return: Major Antarctic Glacier Has Gone Through an Irreversible Retreat

Aurora-like 'Steve' phenomenon and glowing 'picket fences' point to unknown exotic physics

Locusts Raised in High Gravity Grow Freakishly Strong… Up to a Point

Bordeaux Wine Snobs Have a Point, According to This Computer Model

Lab-grown 'small blood vessels' point to potential treatment for major cause of stroke and vascular dementia

Digging With DNA: Soil’s “Biological Fingerprints” Point to Hidden Diamonds