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Drone captures narwhals using their tusks to explore, forage and play - EurekAlert

Why doesn't CMB heat up Boomerang Nebula ? I was listening to this documentary and learned that Boomerang is cooler than CMB. How could that be? Is it constantly being cooled by escaping gas from its binary star that keeps temperature lower than CMB or is there something else at play here?

The Psychological Phenomenon At Play In Every Elon Musk Move

Evidence of play-like interaction with carousel in insects

How Wild Chimps Use Play to Foster Lifelong Cooperation

Scientists develop novel plug-and-play test to evaluate T cell immunotherapy effectiveness

Duke-NUS scientists develop novel plug-and-play test to evaluate T cell immunotherapy effectiveness - EurekAlert

The way mothers and toddlers interacted during play predicted how the children later interacted with other kids

Proteins at Play: Inside the Cellular Dance That Shapes Our Health

Dolphins’ open-mouth behaviors during play are like smiles, a study claims

What role did fear play in Europe's population growth? - EurekAlert

Increased ventilation not effective in reducing influenza virus spread in play-based model, Emory study finds - EurekAlert

Top Polluter China’s Shrinking Emissions Put Carbon Peak in Play

Systematic biases at play in clinical trials

Diamond glitter: A play of colors with artificial DNA crystals

Diamond glitter: A play of colors with artificial DNA crystals - EurekAlert

New Physics at Play: Physicists Discover a New Force Acting on Water Droplets Moving Over Superhydrophobic Surfaces

The serious side of kid and canine play

Training dairy cows with positive reinforcement can turn otherwise stressful events into play

New adhesive tape picks up and sticks down 2D materials as easily as child's play