
Plans is the fifth studio album by indie rock band Death Cab for Cutie, released August 30, 2005 on Atlantic Records.

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SpaceX has submitted plans to build a $13 million recreation centre and a nearly $500K sushi restaurant in Starbase, Texas, with work beginning on the 1st of May 2024, and ending by the 31st of May 2025

Our plans to tackle climate change with carbon storage don't add up

Plans to expand African vaccine production face steep hurdles

Bats announce plans to fuck shit up during eclipse (humor article)

NASA, Agencies to Brief Plans for April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Japanese startup plans to vaporize space junk using ground lasers

Refueling, propulsion 'jetpacks' near term Space Force 'mobility' plans. The service is "looking to leverage commercial services to the maximum extent possible, so we're not looking for a significant government investment in bringing these capabilities to bear."

Plans for lunar landing scrapped after spacecraft fuel leak

What Plants Will Survive in Your Garden? This Map Plans for a Warmer U.S.

The U.S.'s Plans to Modernize Nuclear Weapons Are Dangerous and Unnecessary

Get a Reality Check on Plans to Build Cities in Space

Plans to ‘rewild’ Argentina spark fierce scientific debate

Blue Origin unveils plans for orbital transfer vehicle

NASA Hosts Unveiling of Plans for New Silicon Valley Innovation Hub

NASA’s Psyche “Go” for Launch, but Weather Has Other Plans

Northrop Grumman withdraws bid to build NASA space station | Blue Origin might also abandon its plans to replace the ISS

People With Private Medicare Plans Can’t Find Psychiatrists, Study Shows

Michigan, a Climate Laggard, Plans to Catch Up, Fast

Infrastructure woes could slow big South Pole physics projects

Climate action plans mobilize limited urban change, researchers report