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The JWST Gives Us Our Best Image of Planets Forming Around a Star

The James Webb Space Telescope provides an unprecedented view into the PDS 70 system; new images provide direct evidence that the planets are still growing and competing with their host star for material, supporting the idea that planets form through a process of 'accretion'.

If it moves, it's probably alive: Searching for life on other planets | Researchers at the Technical University in Berlin figured, instead of having a robot looking for microbes, it would be easier and cheaper to make microbes come to the robot. The only ingredient they were lacking: the right bait

All planets to align at the same time in rare planetary parade

White Dwarfs Pause Their Cooling, Giving Planets a Second Chance for Habitability

How Many Planets Are in the Solar System?

Even More Planets Were Hiding in Kepler’s Fields

Hot Jupiters Can Co-Exist with Other Planets

How to see all the solar system’s planets in the night sky at once

Parade of planets this month will feature celestial bodies in alignment

See 6 Planets Align on January 21

Discovery of two planets sheds new light on the formation of planetary systems - EurekAlert

Planets Can Form in Even the Harshest Conditions

Could we detect advanced civilizations on other planets because of their industrial pollution? Probably not. Understand.

Atlas of Space: An interactive visualization to explore the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in the Solar System.

Planets Without Plate Tectonics Could Still Be Habitable

A Rare Alignment of 7 Planets Is About to Take Place in The Sky

Planets Like Arrakis Or Tatooine Unlikely To Support Life According To NASA

4 Planets Will Align in the Sky Every Night of January—Here's How to See the Conjunction

Is there a fundamental logic to life? Is it possible to predict what life would be like on other planets based on what we know about Earth? Scientists have explored this and, after analyzing several studies, have concluded that fundamental limits prevent the existence of certain forms of life.