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Planes, drones or UFOs: What are people seeing in the New Jersey sky?

South Korea Says North Is Disrupting GPS for Planes, Boats

Risk of peanut allergies from air on planes has been overblown

Risk of nut allergies from air on planes has been overblown

How Extreme Heat Harms Planes, Trains, Water Mains and Other Crucial Infrastructure

Planes are under attack from GPS jamming – can we find a fix?

Engine wear risk as planes swallow more dust waiting to land

Engine wear risk as planes swallow more dust waiting to land - EurekAlert

NASA is flying planes low over the US to make maps of air pollution sources

How the Math of Cracks Can Make Planes, Bridges and Dams Safer

Little-studied pollutant from planes threatens the health of millions

Drinking Alcohol on Planes May Pose a Hidden Danger. Here's Why.

Fat, sugar, trash: All the weird things that may fuel planes by 2050

Trains, planes and a total solar eclipse! Watching the moon block the sun was a transportation adventure (exclusive)

The Boeing 737 Max Crisis Reignites Arguments Over Infant Safety on Planes

5 asteroids – some as big as planes – will pass by earth this week