Ancient ancestor of the plague discovered in Bronze Age sheep

Was Stone-Age Scandinavia Struck by Plague?

Jet stream shifts are linked to fires, failed harvests and the plague

Why Does The Plague Keep Coming Back to Plague Humans?

Astronauts Can Drink More Recycled Pee Than Ever, and You Can Still Catch the Plague

Genome evidence points to plague in Stone Age European population crash

The plague may have wiped out most northern Europeans 5000 years ago

Plague felled European families long before the Black Death

What to know about the plague after a suspected human case in Colorado

Human body lice could harbor the plague and spread it through biting

Identifying risks of human flea infestations in plague-endemic areas of Madagascar

Identifying risks of human flea infestations in plague-endemic areas of Madagascar - EurekAlert

Plague Still Exists. Here's Where and How It Spreads in the U.S.

Could Your Cat Give You the Plague?

Wild Hypothesis Links The Bubonic Plague to Modern Oral Health

Yersinia pestis genomes reveal plague in Britain 4000 years ago

4,000-year-old plague DNA found -- the oldest cases to date in Britain

Plague first came to Britain from Europe at least 4000 years ago

Black Death Pathogen Lurked in Britain Millennia Before Plague Struck

The Silent Whisper of Death: 4,000-Year-Old Plague DNA Found in Britain