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In pioneering study, gene technology outperforms standard newborn screening tests
Pioneering study shows effective regulation and monitoring is key to tackling emissions of a super-greenhouse gas - EurekAlert
Pioneering study identifies six genetic regions associated with normal pressure hydrocephalus
Pioneering study optimizes ammonia co-firing in 300-MW coal-fired power plants for reduced carbon emissions - EurekAlert
Pioneering Study Reveals 3D Quantum Hall Effects in Weyl Acoustic Crystals
Pioneering Study Suggests Vaccines Could End Eczema’s Itch for Good
Pioneering study targets Alzheimer's disease risk factors among Californians from the Middle East and North Africa - EurekAlert
Unlocking sweetness and ripeness: the pioneering study of SWI/SNF complexes in citrus fruit quality - EurekAlert
Space Solar Farms Edge Closer to Reality: Pioneering Study Shows Viability