Pinwheel Galaxy

The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101, M101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy 21 million light-years (6.4 megaparsecs) away from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major.

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Astrophoto of the month: New supernova SN 2023ixf in the Pinwheel Galaxy

Do you know? The last supernova that exploded in the pinwheel galaxy (before SN2023ixf) was only 12 years ago!

See new supernova shine bright in stunning Pinwheel Galaxy photo

How to see the new supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy

Massive new supernova discovered in Pinwheel Galaxy; close enough to be seen through amateur telescopes

SUPERNOVA ALERT: SN 2023ixf has just been discovered in the Pinwheel Galaxy, M101! At 21 million light years this is the closest SN in a decade, and should become bright enough for amateur telescopes!!!