Mountain Air in a Pill? Scientists Develop Drug That Extends Life and Reverses Brain Damage
Yoga in a Pill? Scientists Discover Brain Pathway That Controls Breathing
NHS England hopes to save thousands of lives with pill that helps smokers quit
How does the brain react to birth control? A researcher scanned herself 75 times to find out. Extensive scans reveal rhythmic changes in the brain throughout the menstrual cycle and while on the pill.
Workout in a Pill: Scientists Develop Molecule That Mimics the Benefits of Exercise and Fasting
A pill to treat sickle cell disease? Compound that activates fetal gene raises new hope
AI Identifies Antibiotic Candidates, and There’s a ‘Morning-After Pill’ for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Exercise in a Pill: New Compound Mimics the Physical Boost of Working Out
Workout in a pill: Scientists move one step closer to an exercise-mimicking drug
A Pill That Kills Ticks Is a Promising New Weapon Against Lyme Disease
Can a pill really reverse ageing in dogs? Don't get your hopes up yet
30 years of basic research on a brain receptor turns into the first clinical trial on humans of a pill for treatment and prevention of a wide range of dementia diseases.
How the Pill Alters Brain Anatomy: Scientists Discover Potential New Side Effect of Birth Control Pills
This Pill Tracks Your Vitals From the Inside
Morning-after pill more effective when taken with an anti-inflammatory painkiller, researchers find
A New Way to Prevent S.T.I.s: A Pill After Sex
Scientists Discover Simple Way to Boost the Effectiveness of Popular Emergency Contraceptive Pill