
Aristotelian physics is the form of natural science or natural philosophy described in the works of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC).

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The Holy Grail of Physics: Superconductivity Without the Cold

The sound of clapping, explained by physics

We've Been Misreading a Major Law of Physics For Almost 300 Years

Trump’s ‘Iron Dome’ Space Weapons Plan Ignores Physics and Fiscal Reality

NASA Engineers Push Limits of Physics to Focus Light

Oldest unsolved problem in physics: Scientists make ‘rare advance’

The Physics That Keeps a Crowd From Becoming a Stampede

Flipping the script: Inverse-design as game-changer in physics

The 100-year-old symmetry theorem that is still changing physics today

Journal "Science" lists the discovery of altermagnetism as scientific breakthrough in physics in 2024 - EurekAlert

Turning Sci-Fi Into Science: Decoding the Physics of George R.R. Martin’s Fictional Universe

Predicting Stellar Explosions: New Simulations Reveal the Physics of Supernova Shock Breakout

Imagining the physics of George R.R. Martin’s fictional universe - EurekAlert

Imagining the physics of George R.R. Martin's fictional universe

'Our model of cosmology might be broken': New study reveals the universe is expanding too fast for physics to explain

Hula-hooping robots reveal the physics behind keeping rings aloft

New Quantum Particle Discovery Set to Revolutionize Physics

Mystery unraveled: The physics behind supra-t - EurekAlert

Scientists Control Atoms With Light and It Could Change Chemistry and Physics Forever

Light Uncovers Hidden Physics in Superconductors