
The cryptomonads (or cryptophytes) are a group of algae, most of which have plastids.

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Nature’s Chaos That Powers Life: MIT Chemists Discover Why Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Is So Efficient

Chemists discover why photosynthetic light-harvesting is so efficient

Recreating the natural light-harvesting nanorings in photosynthetic bacteria

New discovery: Endangered Amami rabbit disperses seeds for non-photosynthetic plant

New technology fused with photosynthetic life offers path to green energy

Fickle sunshine slows down Rubisco and limits photosynthetic productivity of crops

Whole-body regeneration has been identified in photosynthetic sea slugs. The slugs shed their entire body, including the heart, and while the body is detached the head takes on chloroplasts from algal food. These chloroplasts are used for photosynthesis, thought to aid survival of the severed head.

Scientists Discover How “Photosynthetic” Algae Can Survive and Grow in the Dark

'Photosynthetic' algae can survive the dark