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Leaner large language models could enable efficient local use on phones and laptops
Millions of Phones Could Map the Earth’s Ionosphere
Millions of phones create most complete map ever of the ionosphere
Missing Link Discovered: New Research Paves the Way for Charging Phones in Under a Minute
To get drivers to put down their phones, make it a game
Unlocked review: Why we don't need to panic about our phones
Computing 'paradigm shift' could see phones and laptops run twice as fast — without replacing a single component
We aren't addicted to our phones and we don't need a 'digital detox'
Phones Track Everything but Their Role in Car Wrecks
New Year’s Resolutions Reflect a Shift in Parenting: Towards Patience, Away From Phones
Parents' top resolutions: More patience, less time on phones
FCC Clears SpaceX to Test Cellular Starlink on Phones
SpaceX details Starlink-for-phones plan, launching in 2024