
Sixteen vessels and two shore establishments of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Phoenix, after the legendary phoenix bird.

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Registration now open for CMSC Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ - EurekAlert

Study reveals the Phoenix galaxy cluster in the act of extreme cooling

Phoenix galaxy cluster in the act of extreme cooling

Webb Maps Full Picture of How Phoenix Galaxy Cluster Forms Stars

Phoenix galaxy cluster caught in the act of extreme cooling

Study reveals the Phoenix galaxy cluster in the act of extreme cooling - EurekAlert

Mark your calendars: Insect science takes center stage in Phoenix, November 10–13 - EurekAlert

See Extreme Surface Temperatures in Phoenix, Sacramento and Portland, Ore.

Phoenix Rises: ‘Weird’ New Planet Defies Expectations

NASA exoplanet hunter finds 'weird' world surviving a star's relentless bombardment — it's named Phoenix

Phoenix, America’s Hottest City, Is Having a Surge of Deaths

La Palma’s Phoenix: Rising and Rebuilding on a Lava Flow

Record-Breaking Summer: New Orleans Shatters All-Time Heat Record, With More Records Expected

Record-Breaking Summer: Jacksonville, Miami Break Daily High Temperature Records, After Hottest July Ever

Phoenix, New Orleans, Baton Rouge Break Daily High Temperature Records: Here’s Where Else Daily Records Have Fallen

Phoenix, New Orleans, Baton Rouge Break Daily High Temperature Records: Here’s Where Else Daily Records Have Fallen

Phoenix, Salt Lake City Set High Temperature Records: Here’s Where Else Records Could Fall

Phoenix, Miami, San Antonio Break Daily Record High Temperatures: Here’s Where Else Records Could Fall

Phoenix Roasts in Record-Breaking 110-Plus-Degree Heat, with No End in Sight

Arizona Limits Construction Around Phoenix as Its Water Supply Dwindles