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Songbirds being killed by pesticides found in pet fur flea treatments

Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms - The effect of new vs. old pesticides was similar independent of which taxonomic groups (animals, plants and microorganisms) or which of their trait responses (growth, reproduction, behaviour and biomarker) were considered.

Pesticides causing widespread harm to animals and plants: study

Comprehensive global study shows pesticides are major contributor to biodiversity crisis - EurekAlert

Dramatic drop in monarch butterfly count nears record 30-year low, as pesticides, diminishing habitat and climate change take their toll on the beloved pollinator.

Detailed bedbug genome analysis may improve pesticides - EurekAlert

Detailed bedbug genome analysis may improve pesticides

Bee alert: Pesticides pose a real threat to over 70% of wild bees

22 pesticides show links to prostate cancer

This App Set Out to Fight Pesticides. After VCs Stepped In, Now It Helps Sell Them

Colombian scientists develop supplement to protect bees from pesticides

Good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses

Study: Good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses - EurekAlert

PFAS in Pesticides Could Pose a Greater Multigenerational Threat Than DDT

Honeybees: Combinations of pesticides can be dangerous

Concerning Findings: New Research Reveals That Washing Your Fruit Doesn’t Remove All Pesticides

Study Reveals Pesticides’ Cancer Risk Rivals That of Smoking

Study shows frogs can quickly increase their tolerance to pesticides

Researchers find that frogs can quickly increase their tolerance to pesticides - EurekAlert

To save bees, scientists say focus on habitat first, then pesticides - EurekAlert