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This Much Weekly Exercise Can Slash Your Dementia Risk by 41 Percent

Odds of 'City Killer' Asteroid Hitting Earth Plummet to 0.001 Percent

NASA workforce to shrink by 10 percent with new layoffs: Report

By the end of today, NASA’s workforce will be about 10 percent smaller

By the end of today, NASA’s workforce will be about 10 percent smaller

Uncanny 'Alien: Romulus' Ian Holm CGI fixed for home release as director 'wasn't 100 percent happy'

Estimated Gaza Toll May Have Missed 25,000 Deaths, Study Says

Russian space chief says country will fly on space station until 2030 | "Space is an area of activity where there is never a 100 percent guaranteed result."

Obesity affects a staggering 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of children in the United States. Researchers have discovered a previously unknown population of neurons in the hypothalamus that regulate food intake and could be a promising new target for obesity drugs.

Fifteen percent of global population lives within a few miles of a coast—and the number is growing rapidly - EurekAlert

Cleaning surfaces every two hours cuts norovirus infections by 83 percent in airports, study finds

Fifteen percent of Americans report they smoke marijuana, according to combined Gallup data from 2023 and 2024

Nearly 6 percent of pregnant women report marijuana use, U.S. study finds

U.S. infant mortality increased 7 percent in months following Dobbs, researchers find

Global carbon dioxide emissions from forest fires increase by 60 percent

High-voltage gun accelerates electrons from zero to 80 … percent the speed of light - EurekAlert

Plenty more fish in the sea? Environmental protections account for around 10 percent of fish stocks on coral reefs - EurekAlert

These Record-Breaking New Solar Panels Produce 60 Percent More Electricity

A new study reveals a significant link between childhood abuse and a higher risk of developing post-COVID-19 conditions | The research found that those who experienced severe abuse as children had a 42 percent increased risk of post-COVID-19 conditions compared to those who did not experience abuse.

Pregnancy overhauls the brain. Here’s what that looks like