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Robotic system feeds people with severe mobility limitations

US geographic region results in vastly different anal cancer risk for people with HIV - EurekAlert

Researchers identify new genetic form of Alzheimer’s that is present in millions of people: A study involving thousands of patients has found that practically all people with two copies of the APOE4 gene develop biomarkers associated with dementia. Two out of every 100 people carry this variant

US geographic region results in vastly different anal cancer risk for people with HIV

As people have more difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction in the U.S., they are more likely to feel news fatigue and avoid news altogether, according to a University of Michigan study. More than an unintentional avoidance because of lack of media exposure, the researchers say people actively

New Genetic Form of Alzheimer's Identified in People With Common Risk Factor

Angry Outbursts Could Literally Be Putting Some People's Heart at Risk

CRIPSR gene editing leads to improvements in vision for people with inherited blindness, clinical trial shows - EurekAlert

Breaking Free: A Plant-Based Medication Helps People Quit Vaping

New study (n = 2,190) finds that short dialogues with AI chatbots can reduce people's belief in conspiracy theories by 20%

How Do Some People Run So Fast? The Science of Speed Explained

170 people 'likely exposed' to tuberculosis in Long Beach outbreak

nTIDE April 2024 Jobs Report: Post-pandemic gains seen in employment for people with disabilities appear to continue - EurekAlert

In medieval England, leprosy spread between red squirrels and people, genome evidence shows

Chinese satellites are breaking the US 'monopoly' on long-range targeting. China “has rapidly advanced in space in a way that few people can appreciate,” Space Force official says.

Money on their minds: Health-related costs top older adults' concerns for people their age, poll finds - EurekAlert

How Some Common Medications Can Make People More Vulnerable to Heat

Researchers identify over 2,000 genetic signals linked to blood pressure in study of over one million people

2,000+ Genetic Signals Linked to Blood Pressure Discovered in Study of Over a Million People

New study suggests although people in romantic relationships are generally happier than single individuals, singles can achieve the same highs of satisfaction that couples can. They do this by compensating for potential weaknesses (e.g., romance) with advantages in other areas (e.g., friendship).