
Laurence Kim Peek (November 11, 1951 – December 19, 2009) was an American savant.

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Quantum machine offers peek into 'dance' of cosmic bubbles

Quantum machine offers peek into “dance” of cosmic bubbles - EurekAlert

Newly Selected Citizen Science Proposals: A Peek at What’s Next

The 2024 eclipse gave a rare view of the sun. Here’s a peek at early data

Novel supernova observations grant astronomers a peek into the cosmic past

Crew Returns from Simulated Trip to Mars—Take a Peek Inside their Journey

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The Webb telescope’s peek into a stellar nursery finds baby planets too

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NASA Reveals Sneak Peek of Historic Asteroid Sample

This First Peek Inside NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Capsule Is a Glimpse Back in Time

NASA's Psyche probe will launch to a metal asteroid on Oct. 12 — and scientists are sneaking a peek at the target

This peek inside a snake’s brain suggests the first ones didn’t live entirely underground

Take a sneak peek at new 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture — Echoes' comic series out May 17 (exclusive)

Panoramic Peek: Black Hole and Powerful Jet Unveiled in Stunning Detail

Hubble telescope spies 'peek-a-boo' exoplanets amid star's tilted dust rings

Here’s a peek into the mathematics of black holes