
Pedestrianism was a 19th-century form of competitive walking, often professional and funded by wagering, from which the modern sport of racewalking developed.

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Bio-inspired cameras and AI help drivers detect pedestrians and obstacles faster

Bio-inspired cameras and AI help drivers detect pedestrians and obstacles faster - EurekAlert

Electric Cars Twice As Likely To Hit Pedestrians, According to New Study

Cool paint coatings help pedestrians feel up to 1.5 degrees Celsius cooler in urban setting

New traffic signal would improve travel time for both pedestrians and vehicles

Determining who gets blamed when cars hit pedestrians

Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help.

Dense crowds of pedestrians shift into surprisingly orderly lines. Math explains why

The Hidden Mathematics of Crowds: How Pedestrians Inadvertently Self-Organize

Pedestrians choose healthy obstacles over boring pavements