Pass Earth

A near-Earth object (NEO) is any small Solar System body whose orbit brings it into proximity with Earth.

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Asteroid the size of 3,500 Big Mac hamburgers to pass Earth - NASA

Asteroid the size of 33 armadillos to pass Earth Sunday - NASA

[NASA on Twitter] Newly-discovered asteroid 2023 DZ2 will pass Earth more than 100,000 miles (161,000 km) away–about half the distance to the Moon–making its close approach at 3:51 p.m. EDT (12:51 p.m. PDT)

A Truck-Sized Asteroid Will Pass Earth In One Of Nearest Misses On Record — Here’s How To Watch It

Asteroid 2023 BU about to pass Earth in one of closest ever encounters

Green Comet to Pass Earth for the First Time Since the Stone Age