
In South Africa, pass laws were a form of internal passport system designed to segregate the population, manage urbanization and allocate migrant labor.

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Asteroid the size of 3,500 Big Mac hamburgers to pass Earth - NASA

Pass the salt: This space rock holds clues as to how Earth got its water

Members of Congress seek to pass the PRIME Act, which would allow custom slaughter facilities to sell uninspected meat directly to consumers, restaurants and food service, and to retail, circumventing USDA inspections.

In frenzied vote, Mexico's lawmakers pass controversial science reform bill

NIH rules are supposed to stop ‘pass the harasser.’ In one recent case, they appear to have failed

Solar Orbiter Continues to Get Closer to the Sun, Revealing More and More With Each Pass

50 years ago today, the Pioneer 11 spacecraft set sail for the outer solar system. And 4 million years from now, the probe — which carries a gold-plated plaque meant to help identify humanity’s place in the cosmos — will pass very near the star Lambda Aquilae, located some 125 light-years away.

In 1868 Pierre Janssen watched the moon pass in front of the Sun. Using a special prism, he became obsessed with a line of yellow light that everyone assumed was sodium so he kept studying that mysterious line. Joseph Lockyer worked on the same problem and both are credited for helium

Asteroid the size of 33 armadillos to pass Earth Sunday - NASA

[NASA on Twitter] Newly-discovered asteroid 2023 DZ2 will pass Earth more than 100,000 miles (161,000 km) away–about half the distance to the Moon–making its close approach at 3:51 p.m. EDT (12:51 p.m. PDT)

‘City killer’ asteroid to pass harmlessly between Earth and moon

Newly-discovered asteroid, approx. 210 ft (64 m) in diameter, to safely pass at about half the Earth-moon distance on March 25, 2023

Obesity risk may pass from mothers to daughters

‘On Thin Ice’: World About To Pass Critical Temperature Threshold, UN Warns

See the half moon pass by Mars in the sky tonight

By measuring the different speeds at which seismic waves penetrate and pass through the Earth's inner core, researchers believe they've documented evidence of a distinct layer inside Earth known as the innermost inner core - a solid 'metallic ball' that sits within the centre of the inner core.

Watch a comet make its 1st and final pass by the sun this weekend

Smash or pass? This computer can tell

Why Do Older Fathers Pass on More Genetic Mutations to Their Offspring?

ChatGPT Can Almost Pass The US Medical Licensing Exam