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VIPER back from the dead? NASA asks US companies to partner on ice-hunting moon rover

Large Hadron Collider finds 1st evidence of the heaviest antimatter particle yet. The antimatter particle is the partner of a massive matter particle called hyperhelium-4, and its discovery could help scientists tackle the mystery of why regular matter came to dominate the universe.

Rice WaTER Institute and Yokogawa partner on autonomous water treatment - EurekAlert

New study finds partner's happiness linked to lower stress hormone levels in older couples

European funders and organizations partner to promote sustainable research - EurekAlert

The flirting paradox: Why the attention your partner receives from others is liable to diminish your desire for them - EurekAlert

Texas A&M and partner USAging awarded 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award - EurekAlert

Radiation-cooling liquid crystal materials, a partner to the king of summer, air conditioning - EurekAlert

Both men and women tend to work more hours if their partner is a woman

Rape, Homicide, and Abortion Bans — The Abandonment of People Subjected to Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

Stars Can Survive Their Partner Detonating as a Supernova

New model suggests partner anti-universe could explain accelerated expansion without the need for dark energy

University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center and AstraZeneca partner to enhance community ... - EurekAlert

An astronomy club in French Guiana is keeping the memory of Jean Richer alive. In 1672 Richter spent weeks in the Amazon rainforest, staring at the night sky, sending reports to his partner in Paris — Giovanni Cassini — who used Richter's work to estimate the distance to the sun for the first time.

Feeling Stressed? Science Shows Your Partner’s Support Matters More Than You Think

Prioritizing your phone over your partner affects creativity in the workplace for women

A Strange Thing Happens When You And Your Partner Drink Alcohol Over Time

Making AI a partner in neuroscientific discovery

New Research: 1 in 3 Men Open to Having More Than One Partner

Hubble Observes an Askew Galaxy Coaxing Star Formation from its Partner