Particle Physics

Particle physics or high energy physics is the study of fundamental particles and forces that constitute matter and radiation. The fundamental particles in the universe are classified in the Standard Model as fermions and bosons. There are three generations of fermions, but ordinary matter is made only from the first fermion generation. The first generation consists of up and down quarks which form protons and neutrons, and electrons and electron neutrinos. The three fundamental interactions known to be mediated by bosons are electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction. Quarks cannot exist on their own but form hadrons. Hadrons that contain an odd number of quarks are called baryons and those that contain an even number are called mesons. Two baryons, the proton and the neutron, make up most of the mass of ordinary matter. Mesons are unstable and the longest-lived last for only a few hundredths of a microsecond.

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Advancement in particle physics: New encoding mechanism unveiled - EurekAlert

Large Hadron Collider Achieves Groundbreaking Measurement in Particle Physics

Quantum Pioneers: How Magnetic Quivers Are Rewriting the Rules of Particle Physics

Peter Higgs, a Giant of Particle Physics, Dies at 94

A muon collider could revolutionize particle physics—if it can be built

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Can the Cool Copper Collider Redefine Energy Efficiency in Particle Physics?

A new method of producing an ultra-bright light which breaks traditional laws of particle physics could potentially spark a technological revolution. The ultra-bright light, a form of ‘coherent light’, is created by particles moving in synchrony rather than independently.

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Major shake-up coming for Fermilab, the troubled U.S. particle physics center

The standard model of particle physics passed one of its strictest tests yet

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Completing Einstein’s Theories – A Particle Physics Breakthrough

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Particle Physics Surprise: Nucleons Pick Pair Partners Differently in Small Nuclei

Ten years after the Higgs discovery, what now for particle physics?

The Standard Model of Particle Physics May Be Broken – A Physicist at the Large Hadron Collider Explains