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Therapeutic target identified to neutralise toxic forms of Parkinson's-associated protein - EurekAlert

Researchers target neurogenesis in new approach to treat Parkinson's disease

Elucidating the role of a shared lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network in exacerbating Parkinson's disease symptoms in the ... - EurekAlert

U of T researchers target neurogenesis in new approach to treat Parkinson's disease - EurekAlert

Predicting Parkinson’s: Can Retinal Thickness Unlock Future Cognitive Decline?

Genetic variations may predispose people to Parkinson's disease following long-term pesticide exposure, study finds

Early Data Indicate Cell Therapies Could ‘Reset the Clock’ in Parkinson’s

Analyzing the progression in retinal thickness could predict cognitive progression in Parkinson's patients

New Study Reveals Unexpected Cognitive Risks in Parkinson’s Treatment

AI speeds up drug design for Parkinson's by ten-fold

Scientists identify cell vulnerability 'fingerprint' related to Parkinson's, Lewy body dementia

Stirring up emotions – Parkinson’s disease al - EurekAlert

Parkinson's disease progression slowed by antibody infusions

Parkinson's Disease: New theory on the disease's origins and spread

Transplanting Feces From One Person to Another Could Ease Parkinson's Symptoms

An Ozempic Relative Slowed Parkinson’s Disease in a Small Study

Diabetes drug slows development of Parkinson’s disease

Damaged DNA Could Warn of Parkinson's Long Before Symptoms

Simulations reveal mechanism behind protein build-up in Parkinson's disease

Revolutionary Study Reveals High-Intensity Exercise May Reverse Parkinson’s Disease Neurodegeneration