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Urgent measles warning to parents in the UK as London cases rise

Having more children protects parents’ brains from age-related decline

Pressure to be 'perfect' causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children

Study: Pressure to be “perfect” causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children - EurekAlert

Parents' watchful eye may keep young teens from trying alcohol, drugs: Study - EurekAlert

VR may pose privacy risks for kids: A new study finds parents aren't as worried as they should be

U of T researcher examines experiences of 2SLGBTQIA+ parents and caregivers who use support services for young ... - EurekAlert

Survey finds loneliness epidemic runs deep among parents

Survey finds loneliness epidemic runs deep among parents - EurekAlert

Cannabis Really Has Changed Significantly Since Today's Parents Were Teens

3 in 5 parents play short order cook for young children who don't like family meal

3 in 5 parents play short order cook for young children who don't like family meal - EurekAlert

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Often Go Untreated for Parents on Medicaid

URI study examines audio-visual speech perception in parents of children with autism - EurekAlert

How Parents Can Heal Rifts with Their Adult Children

Call for parents and youth sport coaches to get on the same page - EurekAlert

New Books Help Parents Explain Climate Disasters to Kids

2 in 3 parents say their adolescent or teen worries about how sick days may impact grades

New Insights from AI, Strange Metals and Parents of LGBTQ Kids

Toddlers talk less with parents when fixated on screens