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Naughty or Nice? Many parents rely on threats to manage misbehavior -- from no dessert to no Santa

Naughty or Nice? Many parents rely on threats to manage misbehavior – from no dessert to no Santa - EurekAlert

National Poll: Some parents need support managing children's anger

National Poll: Some parents need support managing children's anger - EurekAlert

Parents Labeling a Kid’s Friend a Bad Influence Can Backfire

New research highlights economic and employment challenges for parents of medically complex babies - EurekAlert

Bird study finds sons help their parents less than daughters because they're scouting future prospects

Bird study finds sons help their parents less than daughters because they’re scouting future prospects - EurekAlert

Presidential debates were a missed opportunity for parents - EurekAlert

Study: Parents Who Use Humor May Have Better Relationships With Kids

Asking a person to talk about their parents in therapy can distort memories of childhood emotions

It's parents who are anxious about smartphones, not their children

Stress from parenting is finally recognized as a crisis. Maybe it’s time to stop blaming parents

1 in 5 parents worry their elementary and middle school aged kids don’t have friends - EurekAlert

Discovery gives answers to parents of children with rare disease

Discovery gives answers to parents of children with rare disease - EurekAlert

How smart toys spy on kids: What parents need to know - EurekAlert

Research from UTHealth Houston finds parents - EurekAlert

2 in 3 parents want help preventing their child from developing hereditary health conditions

2 in 3 parents want help preventing their child from developing hereditary health conditions - EurekAlert