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Paper: To understand cognition--and its dysfunction--neuroscientists must learn its rhythms

Paper: To understand cognition—and its dysfunction—neuroscientists must learn its rhythms - EurekAlert

After being insulted, writing down your feelings on paper then getting rid of it reduces anger

After being insulted, writing down your feelings on paper then getting rid of it reduces anger - EurekAlert

Using pulp and paper waste to scrub carbon from emissions

Paper claiming vaping tops nicotine gum for smoking cessation retracted from JAMA journal.

Nobel Prize winner’s paper to be corrected, according to co-author.

Paper calls for patient-first regulation of AI in healthcare

Paper provides a clearer picture of severe hydro hazards

"Why we scratch an itch: the molecules, cells and circuits of itch." Challenge: Peruse this paper without having an itch in need of a scratch appear.