
An outburst is the sudden and violent ejection of coal, gas, and rock from a coal face and surrounding strata in an underground coal mine.

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India's Aditya-L1 solar probe snaps shots of our hyperactive sun during May outburst (photos)

Sun unleashes giant X-flare in outburst that could spark auroras on Mars (video)

"First Man" screenwriter Josh Singer interviewed Neil Armstrong's wife Janet, who died two months before the release of the 2018 movie. Janet's anger at the time was real, as seen in her outburst to NASA men, "You're just a bunch of boys making models out of balsa wood!"

Don’t Miss: Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower Outburst Peak – Up to 160 Meteors per Hour

Massive Volcanic Outburst Detected on Jupiter's Hellish Moon Io

Io is Having a Major Volcanic Outburst

Astronomers Make Multispectral Map Of Binary Star’s Latest Nova Outburst

This weekend, the Leonid meteors may produce a surprise outburst with a ZHR of 200+

Are We in for a Leonid Outburst Friday Night?

We Could See 200+ ‘Shooting Stars’ Per Hour In Rare Outburst Next Week, Say Astronomers

Possible Taurid Meteor Outburst For 2022?

SOFIA Spies a “Cataclysmic” New Type of Stellar Outburst

Debris from most spectacular comet outburst may explain its perplexing behavior — and be visible in telescopes

Skywatchers can see debris from spectacular comet outburst this month

Iceland eruption may be the start of decades of volcanic activity - A second outburst of lava in under a year strongly suggests that the country’s Reykjanes Peninsula will become one of the most volcanically dynamic parts of the planet for several generations.

Sun outburst prompts warnings of moderate solar storm this weekend

Watch the biggest-ever comet outburst spray dust across the cosmos

Watch the biggest-ever comet outburst spray dust across the cosmos

Possible outburst of tau Herculids meteors tonight!

Possible outburst of tau Herculids meteors tonight!