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During pandemic, playful people were remarkably resilient, OSU research shows - EurekAlert
How well does tree planting work in climate change fight? It depends, OSU research shows - EurekAlert
OSU research finds a new way to measure the water held in snow
Recess quality influences student behavior, social-emotional development, OSU study finds
'Shortcuts' to increase female enrollment in economics may backfire, OSU study cautions
Want a longer, healthier life? Resolve your arguments by day's end, OSU study says
Cells burn more calories after just one bout of moderate aerobic exercise, OSU study finds
Protected areas see continued deforestation but at a reduced rate, OSU research shows
OSU smoke- and tobacco-free policies grew more popular over time, even among tobacco users
OSU researchers prove fish-friendly detection method more sensitive than electrofishing
'Aging well' greatly affected by hopes and fears for later life, OSU study finds
OSU studies find Oregon's Medicaid expansion improved prenatal care access, birth outcomes