
This is a list of ornithologists who have articles, in alphabetical order by surname.

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Superb Lyrebirds ‘Farm’ Their Invertebrate Prey, Ornithologists Discover

Ornithologists Discover New Species of Storm Petrel

Ornithologists Capture First-Ever Photos of Elusive Yellow-Crested Helmetshrike

Ornithologists Identify Two New Species of Toxic Birds

Ornithologists Construct New Phylogenetic Family Tree for Paleognath Birds

Ornithologists have identified two new species of bush robins in Asia.

Ornithologists Unveil Family Tree of Old World Flycatchers, Robins and Chats

Ornithologists Capture First-Ever Photos, Video of Long-Lost Ground-Dwelling Pigeon

Songbirds Can Taste Sugar, Ornithologists Say