
Equal opportunity is a state of fairness in which individuals are treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers, prejudices, or preferences, except when particular distinctions can be explicitly justified.

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Astronaut stuck in space says it's an 'opportunity'

An Opportunity to Study Water

The Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity (landed 2004) were only expected to last three months due to dust coating their solar panels. However, unforeseen Martian dust devils extended their lifespans to 6 and 14 years, respectively, by regularly blowing the dust away.

NASA Astronaut Don Pettit’s Science of Opportunity on Space Station

A window of opportunity for climate change and biodiversity

MSK discovery suggests opportunity to improve effectiveness of KRAS inhibitors against pancreatic cancer - EurekAlert

“Hidden” sex differences in neurological reward pathways suggest opportunity for improved psychiatric therapeutics - EurekAlert

Scientists find cancer-like features in atherosclerosis, spurring opportunity for new treatment approaches

The eclipse gives astronomy clubs an opportunity to shine

Moon landing opportunity on Thursday (1630 CST)

Celebrating NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Rovers’ Mars Landings

Happy 20th, Spirit and Opportunity! How the Mars rovers expanded our horizons

The Complete Human Y Chromosome Marks an Opportunity to Move Away from Stigma

SpaceX: Standing down from today’s flight test attempt; team is working towards next available opportunity

Satellites Threaten Astronomy, but a Few Scientists See an Opportunity

Tiny Spacecraft Using Solar Sails Open Up a Solar System of Opportunity

Industry sees missed opportunity in deorbiting ISS

An ocean of opportunity: Discover why alternative seafood is sustainable seafood

The Mars Helicopter Opportunity Has Completed It's 39th Flight. Soon it will take off for the 40th time, travelling 171m/560ft forward at 10m/40ft high.

Rare opportunity to study short-lived volcanic island reveals sulfur-metabolizing microbes