old theory

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Rethinking the Mysterious Doldrums: New Research Turns Century-Old Theory on Its Head

A Kansas State University engineer recently published results from an observational study in support of a century-old theory that directly challenges the Big Bang theory

New research sinks an old theory for the doldrums, a low-wind equatorial region that stranded sailors for centuries

New research sinks an old theory for the doldrums, a low-wind equatorial region that stranded sailors for centuries - EurekAlert

45-Year-Old Theory Confirmed: Physicists Shed New Light on the “Invisible” Energy States of Molecules

Popular Myth Debunked: New Study Challenges 30-Year-Old Theory Linking Griffins to Dinosaurs

Bio-inspired materials' potential for efficient mass transfer boosted by a new twist on a century-old theory

Scientists Debunk 127-Year-Old Theory of Odd Little “Water Balloons”

Researchers puncture 100-year-old theory of odd little 'water balloons'

Spy satellite photos reveal hundreds of long-lost Roman forts, challenging decades-old theory

Stonehenge study upends a 100-year-old theory and suggests further discoveries to come