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Minimizing the consumption of animal products and oil may be an effective strategy to reduce hot flashes in postmenopausal women, randomized controlled trial suggests

Migrating whale sharks make pit stops at oil and gas rigs

China plans on building enormous 1 kilometre wide solar array in space. The energy collected in one year would be equivalent to the total amount of oil that can be extracted from Earth

From lab to field: CABBI pipeline delivers oil-rich sorghum - EurekAlert

China plans to build enormous solar array in space — and it could collect more energy in a year than 'all the oil on Earth'. It will be lifted into orbit piece by piece using the nation's brand-new heavy lift rockets.

In His Final Weeks, Biden Aims To Cut Off Funding For Oil And Gas Projects Abroad

Slick trick separates oil and water with 99.9 per cent purity

How Colorado’s Thompson Divide Got Protection From Oil and Gas Drilling

North Sea oil and gas extraction spikes pollution by 10,000 percent, study finds

Oil and natural gas development in Permian is a key source of ozone pollution in Carlsbad Caverns National Park - EurekAlert

Living near oil and gas activity linked to poor mental health during preconception

Wildfires increasingly threaten oil and gas drill sites, compounding potential health risks, study says

Wildfires increasingly threaten oil and gas drill sites, compounding potential health risks

Laser-treated cork absorbs oil for carbon-neutral ocean cleanup - EurekAlert

Laser-treated cork absorbs oil for carbon-neutral ocean cleanup

Biden administration moves to restrict oil and gas leases on 13m acres in Alaska

Oil and gas companies emit more climate-warming methane than EPA reports

Methane leaks from US oil and gas are triple government estimates

Brazil’s Clashing Goals: Protect the Amazon and Pump Lots More Oil

New study quantifies health impacts from oil and gas flaring in U.S.