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Observation of splashing drops from an AI perspective - EurekAlert

Observation of new electric field signals strong potential for assorted devices

Observation of new electric field signals str - EurekAlert

Observation of quantum E8 particles in quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8 - EurekAlert

First Observation of One-in-10-Billion Particle Decay Hints at Hidden Physics

First observation of ultra-rare process that could uncover new physics

Seeing is believing: observation of migrasome - EurekAlert

Swiss space telescope observes exoplanet ‘rainbow’ | The Swiss space telescope CHEOPS has found a type of rainbow on a planet 637 light years away. The observation of a so-called “glory” is likely the first evidence of this phenomenon outside our solar system.

First observation of how water molecules move near a metal electrode

First observation of structures resulting from 3D domain swapping in antibody light chains

Scientists Shocked by First-Ever Observation of a Virus Latching Onto Another – “I Can’t Believe This”

Observation of a virus attaching to another virus

First Observation of a Nucleus Decaying Into Four Particles After Beta Decay