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Reducing Inflammation and Obesity: Biologists Transform Gut Bacteria Into Tiny Protein Pharmacies

Guided self-help makes treating children with obesity easier and more affordable

Weight-loss surgery lowers risk of developing complications of liver disease in patients with cirrhosis and obesity

The Surprising Connection Between Obesity, Parasites, and Your Immune System

Targeting One Enzyme May Prevent Obesity-Induced Heart Disease, Study Suggests

Treatment for children with obesity has lasting effect

Study Reveals Intermittent Fasting Has 2 Key Benefits For People With Obesity

Novel perspectives on the link between obesity and cancer risk: from mechanisms to clinical implications - EurekAlert

A new definition of obesity could help treat millions of people

Obesity needs a new definition beyond BMI, health experts argue

Is obesity a disease? Not always, new expert report says

A New Way To Treat Obesity? Scientists Discover Brain Molecules That Control Food Cravings

A New Way To Treat Obesity? Scientists Expose a Secret Appetite-Regulating Circuit in the Brain

More calories – more consumption: Individuals with and without obesity both prefer high-calories food - EurekAlert

Science Confirms: Eating a Balanced Breakfast Reduces Obesity and Heart Disease

More calories -- more consumption: Individuals with and without obesity both prefer high-calories food, study finds

Obesity affects a staggering 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of children in the United States. Researchers have discovered a previously unknown population of neurons in the hypothalamus that regulate food intake and could be a promising new target for obesity drugs.

Targeting a brain enzyme to curb obesity

Targeting a brain enzyme to curb obesity - EurekAlert

Obesity dipped in U.S. adults last year for the first time in more than a decade