
Obesity is a medical condition, sometimes considered a disease, in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that it may negatively affect health.

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1 in 2 Adults, 1 in 3 Kids Will Be Obese by 2050 – Can We Stop It?

Obese and healthy

Weight-Loss Surgery Slashes Liver Disease Risks in Obese Patients With Cirrhosis

Walking speed as a simple predictor of metabolic health in obese individuals - EurekAlert

Fat Cells Seem to Cling to The Memory of Being Obese, Study Finds

Study: CBD Mitigates Anxiety and Neuroinflammation in Offspring of Obese Mothers

Obese children are more likely to develop skin conditions related to the immune system

The most obese children with dengue are more than twice as likely as others to be hospitalized with dengue, according ... - EurekAlert

Physical activity in the evening shown to improve glucose regulation in overweight and obese adults - EurekAlert

Obese and overweight children at risk of iron deficiency

Males born to obese mothers more likely to suffer health issues as adults

Probiotics promote weight loss in obese dogs

Mice eating less of specific amino acid -- overrepresented in diet of obese people -- live longer, healthier

The Illusion of Health: New Study Reveals That One Third of Normal-Weight Individuals Are Obese

COVID Vaccines May Fade Quicker if You're Obese, Evidence Shows

Rhythmic eating pattern preserves fruit fly muscle function under obese conditions

Why Do Obese People Have a Higher Risk of Diabetes? New Study Provides Clues

Diet and exercise for obese mothers protects cardiovascular risk in infants

Combined birth control pill linked with increased risk of blood clots in obese women

Just One Week of Dieting Could Stop Chronic Inflammation in Obese Patients