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ADA Forsyth ranks number 1 on the East Coast in oral health research - EurekAlert

Song lyrics are getting more repetitive, angrier. An analysis of 50 years of popular music lyrics reveals a number of trends.

Number of known moonquakes tripled with discovery in Apollo archive

The number of North Pacific humpback whales plummeted 20 percent in less than a decade, and marine heatwaves may be the main culprit, according to a study released Wednesday that spells a troubled future for the majestic sea mammals

The Number of People With Persistent Fatigue Could Soon Double. Here's Why.

Chronic fatigue syndrome: Number of patients is expected to double due to long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Number of shark bites consistent with recent trends, with small spike in fatalities

Astronomers spot 18 black holes gobbling up nearby stars. The detections more than double the number of known tidal disruption events in the nearby universe.

A new study finds that the number of words in the US federal tax code has swollen by 70% since the 1990s, and is currently more than 4 million words; Americans now spend about 1.5 billion hours a year filing their tax returns.

Bottled water is up to a hundred times worse than previously thought when it comes to the number of tiny plastic bits it contains, a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences said Monday

Surge in number of ‘extremely productive’ authors concerns scientists

See Your Body's Cells in Size and Number

Coal Power Kills a 'Staggering' Number of Americans

To Wear the Sudoku Crown, One Must Solve Any Number of Puzzles

Number of dementia cases could be 42% higher than previously estimated by 2040

The easy trick to evenly cut a pizza into 5, 7 or any number of slices

SpaceX broke its record for number of launches in a year

What’s the Bare Minimum Number of People for a Mars Habitat?

High dietary sugars markedly trigger an increase in mucus-degrading bacteria. As the mucus layer is increasingly affected by erosion, “a large number of bacteria will reach the epithelial cells and trigger inflammation”

Better Cybersecurity With a New Quantum Random Number Generator