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Economics of nuclear power: The France-Germany divide explained and why Germany's solar dream is unviable.
Nuclear Power Was Once Shunned at Climate Talks. Now, It’s a Rising Star.
After 60 Years, Nuclear Power for Spaceflight is Still Tried and True
Three Mile Island Plans to Reopen as Demand for Nuclear Power Grows
Geothermal energy could outperform nuclear power
Space experts foresee an “operational need” for nuclear power on the Moon | “We do anticipate having to deploy nuclear systems on the lunar surface."
Nuclear Power Bill Passed by House, Support Grows in Congress
Nuclear power on the moon: NASA wraps up 1st phase of ambitious reactor project
Nuclear power on the moon: Rolls-Royce unveils reactor mockup
Wild New Study Suggests We Could Use Tiny Black Holes as Sources of Nuclear Power
US nuclear power suffers new setback as Idaho reactor partnership ends
The U.K.’s Goldilocks Moment For Nuclear Power