Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei, usually deuterium and tritium (hydrogen variants), are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons).

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New Record: Reactor Crosses 'Crucial Milestone' in Achieving Nuclear Fusion

French WEST reactor breaks record in nuclear fusion

SMART, one step closer to nuclear fusion with its first plasma - EurekAlert

When will nuclear fusion become a viable source of energy? Even once researchers can reliably get more power out of a fusion reaction than they put in, they’ll still need to overcome engineering challenges to scale up fusion energy.

Nuclear Fusion vs Fission: A Physicist Explains The Difference

How Mayonnaise Is Helping Scientists Crack the Code of Nuclear Fusion

Researchers dig deeper into stability challenges of nuclear fusion -- with mayonnaise

Lehigh University researchers dig deeper into stability challenges of nuclear fusion—with mayonnaise - EurekAlert

Breaking Barriers in Nuclear Fusion: How Neutron Migration Could Change Everything

Stunning 3D Visualization of Nuclear Fusion Takes You Inside a Tokamak

New insights on the role of nucleon exchange in nuclear fusion - EurekAlert

Space Travel: RocketStar Successfully Demonstrates FireStar™ Nuclear Fusion-Enhanced Pulsed Plasma Propulsion Drive

Nuclear fusion, lithium and the tokamak: Adding just enough fuel to the fire

ChatGPT’s boss claims nuclear fusion is the answer to AI’s soaring energy needs. Experts say not so fast

Here’s how scientists reached nuclear fusion ‘ignition’ for the first time

Nuclear fusion: new record brings dream of clean energy closer

First practical use for nuclear fusion could help cancer treatment

50 years ago, scientists dreamed of lasers that could kick off nuclear fusion

Why Nuclear Fusion Won't Solve the Climate Crisis

Under pressure: Foundations of stellar physics and nuclear fusion investigated