
Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, the mainland territory of which comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The remote Arctic island of Jan Mayen and the archipelago of Svalbard also form part of Norway. Bouvet Island, located in the Subantarctic, is a dependency of Norway; it also lays claims to the Antarctic territories of Peter I Island and Queen Maud Land. The capital and largest city in Norway is Oslo. Norway has a total area of 385,207 square kilometres and had a population of 5,425,270 in January 2022. The country shares a long eastern border with Sweden at a length of 1,619 km. It is bordered by Finland and Russia to the northeast and the Skagerrak strait to the south, on the other side of which are Denmark and the United Kingdom. Norway has an extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea.

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Norway's Melting Glaciers Are Spilling Out Troves of Lost Artifacts

Footage: Slush found – Norway’s dangerous slush flows get mapped - EurekAlert

Scientists Decode the Secret of Unusual Blue Rings in Norway’s Trees

U.S. and Norway sign technology safeguards agreement for launches from Andøya

Could online technology be a clue as to why boys in Norway are outperforming girls in learning English as a second language?

NASA rockets seed artificial clouds below glowing auroras in Norway (photo)

World's Largest Predation Event Ever Recorded Captured in Norway

800-Year-Old Mystery Solved: Scientists Reveal the Identity of Norway’s “Well-Man”

Norway's Forests Have More Than Tripled in a Hundred Years

Vikings in Norway were much more likely to die violent deaths than those in Denmark

Norway’s Violent Past: New Study Reveals Shocking Rates of Viking Age Conflict

Among Viking societies, Norway was much more violent than Denmark

Study: Among Viking societies, Norway was much more violent than Denmark - EurekAlert

Chasing the midnight sun along Norway's arctic coastline

Norway can lead the fight against plastic pollution - EurekAlert

First detection of hepatitis E virus from urban Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in the Republic of Korea - EurekAlert

Norway’s Ambitious Plan to Store Carbon Dioxide in the North Sea |

Meteorite enters Earths atmosphere from space at 15km a second near the Arctic Ocean Longyearbyen, Norway

If we can't untangle this mess, Norway's blue industry will never be green

Alarming Shrinkage of Norway’s Ålfotbreen Glacier – “Cannot Survive the Current Climate”