Northern Hemisphere

The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of the Equator. For other planets in the Solar System, north is defined as being in the same celestial hemisphere relative to the invariable plane of the solar system as Earth's North Pole. Owing to Earth's axial tilt of 23.439281°, winter in the Northern Hemisphere lasts from the December solstice to the March equinox, while summer lasts from the June solstice through to the September equinox. The dates vary each year due to the difference between the calendar year and the astronomical year. Within the northern hemisphere, oceanic currents can change the weather patterns that affect many factors within the north coast. Such events include ENSO. Trade winds blow from east to west just above the equator. The winds pull surface water with them, creating currents, which flow westward due to the Coriolis effect. The currents then bend to the right, heading north.

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New species shows dinosaurs were early risers in the Northern Hemisphere

Why the ‘Ferrari of viruses’ is surging through the Northern Hemisphere

Dinosaurs roamed the northern hemisphere mil - EurekAlert

Dinosaurs roamed the northern hemisphere millions of years earlier than previously thought, according to new analysis of the oldest North American fossils

Winter solstice 2024 brings shortest day of the year to Northern Hemisphere today

Solar flares may cause faint auroras across top of Northern Hemisphere

Autumnal equinox 2024 brings fall to the Northern Hemisphere today

Summer solstice 2024 marks the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere

Summer droughts in Northern hemisphere increasingly likely as seasonal streamflows change

The summer of 2023 in large parts of the Northern Hemisphere was the hottest for more than 2000 years - EurekAlert

Summer 2023 Was the Northern Hemisphere’s Hottest in 2,000 Years, Study Finds

LiveScience: Explosive green 'Mother of Dragons' comet now visible in the Northern Hemisphere (2nd April, 2024)

How extratropical ocean-atmosphere interactions can contribute to the variability of jet streams in the Northern Hemisphere

Vernal equinox 2024 brings spring to the Northern Hemisphere today

Winter solstice 2023 is here, bringing the longest night of the year to Northern Hemisphere

Autumnal equinox 2023 brings fall to the Northern Hemisphere this weekend

Significant decline of snow cover in the Northern hemisphere over the last half century

Summer solstice 2023 marks longest day in the Northern Hemisphere as Earth's seasons change

Vernal equinox 2023 brings spring to the Northern Hemisphere with a not-so-equal timing twist

Winter solstice 2022 brings the longest night of the year to Northern Hemisphere