
The Blue Nile were a Scottish band which originated in Glasgow.

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Unraveling Secrets of Ancient Egypt – Groundbreaking Study Rewrites the Nile’s History

Majority of Egyptian Pyramids Was Built along Long-Lost Branch of Nile, Archaeologists Say

Found at last: long-lost branch of the Nile that ran by the pyramids

Dozens of Egyptian pyramids, some in Giza, sat along a branch of the Nile, study says

Egypt’s Famed Pyramids Overlooked a Long-Lost Branch of the Nile

A lost branch of the river Nile flowed past the pyramids of Egypt

Curves of the Nile River and Crop Circles

Ancient Structure Along River Nile Is Oldest Hydraulics System of Its Kind

“Irreversible Degradation” – Existential Threats to the Iconic Nile River Delta Identified

Existential threats to the iconic Nile River Delta

A better model for type 2 diabetes: The Nile rat

Vanished arm of Nile helped ancient Egyptians transport pyramid materials

A Grand New Dam on the Nile: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Dire impacts downstream of Nile River dam: Study

USC study shows dire impacts downstream of Nile River dam

Egypt archeologists unearth 110 ancient tombs in Nile Delta

A Lake The Size Of A Season’s Flow From The Nile Mysteriously Disappeared

Climate change makes West Nile virus outbreaks 'plausible' in UK

Climate change makes West Nile virus outbreaks 'plausible' in UK

Embryos of Many Species Use Sound to Prepare for the Outside World – Hear Nile Crocodile Embryos Before Hatching