New Physics

American Life is the ninth studio album by American singer Madonna.

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Squishy materials reveal new physics of static electricity

CERN scientists search for new physics in unusual energy patterns linked to hidden particles

Latest James Webb data hints at new physics in Universe’s expansion | These latest findings further support the Hubble Space Telescope's prior expansion rate measurements.

'Hawking radiation' may be erasing black holes. Watching it happen could reveal new physics.

CERN’s Bold Quest To Discover New Physics Through Higgs Bosons

CERN Confirms Ultra-Rare Particle Transformation, Hints at New Physics

CERN’s Game Changer: Rare Decay Observation Hints at New Physics

First observation of ultra-rare process that could uncover new physics

Hopes of new physics dashed with measurement of hefty particle’s mass

Ultra-Precise Particle Measurement Narrows Pathway to ‘New Physics’

Hopes for new physics dashed by ordinary-looking W bosons at CERN

Space telescope data reignite debate over how fast universe is expanding—and whether ‘new physics’ is needed

The Higgs Boson Might Not Be The Portal to New Physics After All

The Higgs does not seem to contain any factors from new physics - EurekAlert

New physics-informed neural network for unive - EurekAlert

New Physics at Play: Physicists Discover a New Force Acting on Water Droplets Moving Over Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Radical NASA Study Says This Spacecraft Formation Could Reveal New Physics

Formation-Flying Spacecraft Could Probe the Solar System for New Physics

Formation-Flying Spacecraft Could Probe the Solar System for New Physics

Unveiling New Physics With AI-Powered Particle Tracking