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New paper-based device boosts HIV test accuracy from dried blood samples - EurekAlert

New paper creates roadmap for the next generation of bioelectronic medicine

Jovian Vortex Hunters Spun Up Over New Paper

New paper examines the elusive nature of liquid brines on Mars - EurekAlert

New paper examines the elusive nature of liquid brines on Mars

The fastest-moving stars in the galaxy may be piloted by intelligent aliens, new paper suggests

New Paper Redefining Characteristics of Lightning-Initiated Wildfire Ignition

Current medical training focuses on weight and body mass index, exacerbating anti-obesity bias and increasing the risk of eating disorders, according to a new paper

From fibrosis and cancer to obesity, Alzheimer's and aging: New paper reveals broad potential of TNIK as a therapeutic ... - EurekAlert

Does sleep really clean the brain? Maybe not, new paper argues

Blood, sweat and water: new paper analytical devices track health and environment - EurekAlert

Look to deadly Venus to find life in the universe, new paper argues

The universe may be dominated by particles that break causality and move faster than light, new paper suggests

A new paper argues that technology will not be possible on worlds with oxygen abundances less than 18%. Below this threshold fires will not burn, so metallurgy and technology as we know it will not develop. There could be intelligent life on these worlds, but no technosignatures for SETI to detect.

New Paper Argues That the Universe Began with Two Big Bangs - JSTOR Daily

Ultra-powerful plasma 'blades' could slice entire stars in half, new paper suggests

Black Holes Might Not Be Quite as 'Simple' as We Thought, New Paper Suggests

A New Paper Shows How To Change An Asteroid Into A Space Habitat - In Just 12 Years