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New method searches through 10 sextillion drug molecules

New method developed to dramatically enhance bioelectronic sensors

New method developed to dramatically enhance bioelectronic sensors - EurekAlert

New method searches through 10 sextillion drug molecules - EurekAlert

Solar Cell Breakthrough: New Method Makes Perovskite Panels Fully Recyclable

A new method to track skyrmions, tiny magnetic whirls formed by atomic magnetism

Cone snail toxin inspires new method for studying molecular interactions - EurekAlert

Unexpected TV signal leads to a new method for filtering out unwanted radio frequencies

Plant power: A new method to model how plants move water globally

Seeing the unseen: New method reveals ’hyperaccessible’ window in freshly replicated DNA - EurekAlert

Seeing the unseen: New method reveals 'hyperaccessible' window in freshly replicated DNA

University of Michigan-led research has developed a new method, LEFTfield, to analyze cosmic maps more effectively, extracting more data without compression. This breakthrough, published in Physical Review Letters, could fast-track discoveries in dark energy, dark matter, and cosmic structure.

“Shocking” Results: Scientists Reveal New Method To Boost Muscle Growth and Strength

Reading signs: New method improves AI translation of sign language

Reading signs: New method improves AI translation of sign language - EurekAlert

“Astonishingly Effective” – Researchers Develop New Method for Treating Wastewater

New method effectively improves the angular-temporal resolution of attoclock technology - EurekAlert

New method turns e-waste to gold

New method traces molecular gas mass in distant galaxies

New Method Detects Ligand-Protein Interactions With Unprecedented Sensitivity