Researchers discover new mechanism for male sex hormone
New mechanism for maintaining genome stability discovered - EurekAlert
New mechanism for maintaining genome stability discovered
New mechanism discovered that triggers immune response in cells with damaged DNA
Cancer biologists discover a new mechanism for an old drug: « Study reveals the drug, 5-fluorouracil, acts differently in different types of cancer — a finding that could help researchers design better drug combinations. »
How Cells Outsmart Starvation: Scientists Discover Intriguing New Mechanism
Cancer biologists discover a new mechanism for an old drug
New mechanism uncovered for the reduction of emu wings - EurekAlert
New mechanism explains rapid energy sharing across atomic semiconductor junctions - EurekAlert
Innovative Compound Uses New Mechanism To Kill Cancer Cells
New mechanism of action kills cancer cells
New mechanism of action kills cancer cells - EurekAlert
A new mechanism for shaping animal tissues
New mechanism to cool buildings while saving energy
Researchers discover new mechanism to cool buildings while saving energy - EurekAlert
A new mechanism for shaping animal tissues - EurekAlert
A “Word Processor” for Genes – Scientists Unveil Fundamentally New Mechanism for Biological Programming
New mechanism of immune evasion in squamous cell carcinoma, offers potential for improved treatment - EurekAlert
Academician Chen Wei's team reveals a new mechanism of hyaluronic acid with a specific molecular weight (300-400 ... - EurekAlert
Rock steady: Study reveals new mechanism to explain how continents stabilized