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Research on centromere structure yields new insights into the mechanisms of chromosome segregation errors - EurekAlert

Research on centromere structure yields new insights into the mechanisms of chromosome segregation errors

Could Delaying Life Support Withdrawal Save Lives? New Insights From Brain Injury Research

Unlocking Autism: New Insights Into Early Metabolic Changes

Unraveling the link between microbiome and esophageal cancer: new insights from recent research - EurekAlert

Solving a Long-Standing Marine Mystery: New Insights Into Rhizobia-Diatom Symbiosis

Dogma-challenging telomere findings may offer new insights for cancer treatments - EurekAlert

Lepra in the middle ages: New insights on transmission pathways through squirrels - EurekAlert

Unlocking the genetic mysteries behind plant adaptation: New insights into the evolution of a water-saving trait in the ... - EurekAlert

New insights into tree canopy light absorption and its climate implications - EurekAlert

New insights from bidirectional Mendelian randomization: causal relationships between telomere length and mitochondrial DNA copy number in aging biomarkers (2024)

The Science of Aging: New Insights Into When “Old Age” Begins

New insights into the connections between alcohol consumption and aggressive liver cancer - EurekAlert

New insights could unlock immunotherapy for rare, deadly eye cancer

New insights could unlock immunotherapy for rare, deadly eye cancer - EurekAlert

How Our Brains Work: Connecting Lab-Grown Brain Cells Yields New Insights

How do identical twins form? New insights reveal mechanism

Cockayne syndrome: New insights into cellular DNA repair mechanism

Cracking the code of flash floods: new insights from China's mountainous regions - EurekAlert

Scientists grow 'mini kidneys,' revealing new insights into metabolic defects and potential therapy for polycystic kidney disease