New Clues

The Clue of the New Pin is a 1923 crime novel by the British writer Edgar Wallace.

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Discovery of Ancient Giant Virus Remnants Offers New Clues to the Origins of Complex Life

New Clues on Early Human Migration: 42,000-Year-Old Site Discovered in Southeast Indonesia

The last woolly mammoths offer new clues to why the species went extinct

Black Holes and Dark Revelations: Gravitational Waves Provide New Clues to the Composition of Dark Matter

The Megafauna Mystery: Scientists Discover New Clues to What Happened to North America’s Largest Animals

Quantum biology: New clues on how life might make use of weird physics

Lead in Beethoven’s Hair Offers New Clues to Mystery of His Deafness

Studies reveal new clues to how tardigrades can survive intense radiation. Radiation damages their DNA; they're just able to repair that damage very quickly.

NASA’s Curiosity Searches for New Clues About Mars’ Ancient Water

Scientists Uncover New Clues Regarding the Origin of Life on Earth Inside the Recently Recovered “Winchcombe” Meteorite

Peering Into Ancient Life: New Clues Found in 3.5 Billion-Year-Old Biomass

JPL: NASA Telescopes Find New Clues About Mysterious Deep Space Signals

NASA Telescopes Find New Clues About Mysterious Deep Space Signals

New Clues to the First Life on Earth – Researchers Uncover 3.42 Billion-Year-Old Microbial Mysteries

Chasing the light: Study finds new clues about warming in the Arctic

Harvard Scientists Have Uncovered New Clues Into the Long-Standing Mystery of the Itch

New clues emerge toward possible life on Enceladus |

Drones capture new clues about how water shapes mountain ranges over time

More than a meteorite: New clues about the demise of dinosaurs

New clues into the head-scratching mystery of itch